Friday, February 1, 2013

Lilim - Monster Rancher

by SilverAqua

Lilim from Monster Rancher (Monster Farm)

The Japanese, true to form, developed a show called Monster Rancher, based on Monster Rancher the video game. The show was 73 episodes long, and involved, um, ranching monsters. I guess the game consists of raising monsters to fight each other, and the show's wiki entry doesn't explain what the show is about, but I would's....about....ranching monsters.
Hey cowboy, wanna go for a ride? (by skady1)

Yeah, I don't get it either.

BUT - and apparently Lilim isn't the only one, some of the monsters that are ranched are hot. Sleek, winged, busty hot monsters that can be ranched. Since I have no clue what the show or the game really consists of, and frankly, I don't really have the desire to know, I'll leave it to you, my fair viewers, to delve as deep into the ranching world as you would like to.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch...

So, you want to be a rancher?

I needs to get me into ranching.

So if you made it this far, I gotta say, that last picture is what got me into Lilim in the first place. I don't have a source on it, but hopefully I can wrangle me up another or three pictures like this of Lilim in the future. Just remind me to ask the real estate broker, when I'm buying my own ranch, if there is fire and brimstone all around like appears to be in the picture.

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