Friday, February 15, 2013

Featured Artist - TitusBoy25

"Mysterious Girl"

Like most artists that are worth their copper sulfate, TitusBoy25 is on deviantart. This guy does a lot of digital artwork, which means (I think) that he takes pictures and makes them awesome. The mysterious girl above is what caught my eye, and once I tracked her back to Titus, I knew I had found yet another gem.

One of the things I love about his pictures (other than the obviously hot chicks), is the color balance. He does a great job of composing his pictures and evoking a particular mood. Take, for example, his vampire chick here. Great stark contrast, and that trickle of blood helps frame the entire concept of the picture: You are running out of time.

I hope I get this post finished before she catches me out...

And from one vamp to another, this one entitled "Vigilante".

Remind me not to break the law in her town. Unless, of course, it means I get a close up and personal view of her as she metes out her justice. Cause if I have to go, I think going by way of this smoking vigilante might be worth the chance to get a quick "Hi, hello, time to die" out of her. Especially if it means copping a quick feel.

So like most artists I find that have a hot blue chick in their repertoire, I found with Titus that besides the hot mysterious girl that led me to him, most of the blue hues in his pictures come from ambient lighting rather than an innate melatonin coloration.

A thousand years old and he still can't eat without dribbling all over.
For example, "Immortality", above. (I am sensing that TitusBoy25 might like vampires). Blue is blue, in my mind, even though she isn't blue by skin alone. Fortunately for you, though, Titus also did at least one other chick with blue skin.

I'm unclear if she is the same as the Mysterious girl at the top, but when you come right down to it, she does the job of carrying the mantle "Hot blue chick" just fine.

So to bring this post to a conclusion, I have to admire the work that TitusBoy25 does.Digital media is the playground for most of the hot blue chicks that I have found these days, so keep it up.

The last picture, well, there's no blue chicks. There's no chicks at all. But I found that this was my favorite of TitusBoy25's pictures on his deviantart page. So please enjoy, "Once Upon The Time".

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