Friday, April 15, 2011

Featured Artist - J. Scott Campbell

Magnificient. Er, Maleficient.

Featured Artist - J. Scott Campbell
Official Site

This is the guy who ruins the Fairy Tales for ya. Yep, you'll never see Alice again without thinking about J. Scott Campbell's Alice. Or The Wicked Witch. Or The Little Mermaid. This is the guy who dresses them up as they should be - hot, sleek and ready to do Never Never Land. Or is that Never Never..., oh, never mind. You get the idea. So without further ado, here are a couple of beauts.

Alice in Wonderland. I wish I was that mushroom.
The Wicked Witch of OMGoz
The Little *ahem*maid
Besides ruining the above fairy tales for you, J Scott also will ruin a couple of your favorite already-hot hotties if you're not careful. How many of us have lusted after Mary Jane? And appreciated Todd for his amazing rendition, along with Erik Larsen? And yeah, I have to admit, I'm a sucker for Kirsten Dunst and even though she ain't a natural redhead, she did a fair job of pulling off MJ.


Crime, I'm afraid you're going to have to wait when I'm Spider-Man
And she's been done so many times and in so many ways...but I had to share this version with you.

Not your daddy's Slave Princess Leia. I wonder how many young boys would have imploded in 1983 if this was what Lucas dished up to us. Times have changed, indeed. Thankfully! So another one he's done that isn't going to ruin her, is Jessica Rabbit. And I guess in his version she counts as a red chick?

So anyway, I am so in love with this guy's art that I don't even really care who he is. Go look him up if you want more. And trust me, you want more.

Never say Never, James

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